We’ll Help You Ramp Up Your Home Mobility
Don’t let your home become your own worst enemy. Okay, that may have been a bit harsh. Home is where the heart is. Home is where you feel most…well, at home!
Don’t let your home become your own worst enemy. Okay, that may have been a bit harsh. Home is where the heart is. Home is where you feel most…well, at home!
According to the National Association of Homebuilders, baby boomers make up 28 percent of the United States’ population. The baby boomer group includes anyone who was born between the years of 1946 and 1964. With aging, comes difficulty.
Looking up at the 12 obstacles in your way, you are disheartened and know that it will take much of your time and effort. Stairs can present a frustrating challenge and impede you from accomplishing your daily routine.
You just finished getting your blood taken at the hospital and are tired. As you make your way to the elevator lobby, you notice that it is packed. One of the elevators is out of service, causing a backup. In your younger years, you would’ve just taken the stairs, but that is no longer an option.
People take everyday things for granted. Being able to walk up and down stairs, drive to their job kick around a soccer ball in the backyard and even take a shower are just a few examples of activities that can be a hardship for the elderly and those with disabilities.
In one sense, the prospect of aging seems less daunting as we get older. Instead, we appreciate every day as a gift for us to enjoy and make the most of. However, the natural consequences that aging has on the body can prevent us from taking full advantage of that gift without some help.
Having to witness a loved one age can be an incredibly difficult process. It’s crucial that their increasingly limited physical ability is accepted and accounted for and, as a result, the appropriate accommodations are put into place to assure a better quality of life. Early on, young people are provided with the safety and protection of their parents or guardians; but later on, it’s their responsibility to safeguard those that had once been the protectors.
Lower participation in worship by persons with disabilities is rarely caused by a lack of interest, but rather by barriers to participation that exist in architecture, communication or attitude. (Rife, Janet Miller, and Ginny Thornburgh. A Community Action Guide to…
While Mobility123 specializes in equipping homes with a variety of independent living solutions, such as elevators, stairlifts, and wheelchair lifts, we also readily recognize that there are many low-tech, easily-accessible remedies to potentially dangerous home conditions that can cause injuries resulting from slips and falls in icy or otherwise unsafe areas. We urge homeowners of all ages and abilities to take these simple steps to slip-proof and accident-proof their homes during the coming winter season, as an additional safeguard taken alongside our mobility solutions.
Most people associate personal elevators with one of two things: opulence, or home mobility solutions. Either way, the prevailing assumption about these elevators tends to be the same – “there’s no way I can afford it!”