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Safety Tips for Children With Home Elevators

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All parents want to keep their children safe. If you have a home elevator, safety becomes even more important. Children are naturally curious, and they love to touch the objects around them. Imagine how interesting an elevator looks to a small child who enjoys climbing in and out of boxes. At Mobility123, we provide home elevators in NJ and home elevators in PA. It is our goal to offer elevators that exceed customer expectations in terms of both quality and safety. That’s why we have four safety tips for those with children who live in homes with elevators.

  1. Establish guidelines.

One of the first steps you should take when a home elevator is installed is discussing its safety with your children. They should understand that it is not safe to play inside or near the elevator if friends are over. You might want to explain to them that running also increases the chances of injury. Show your child how the elevator works and explain to them that they should never run through the doors as they open. Children love buttons, so you’ll want to discourage them from pressing them all at once when inside.

  1. Be aware of your surroundings.

Home accidents always seem to take place when you aren’t looking. Make sure that you always ride in the elevator with your child. Letting them ride alone increases the likelihood of an accident occurring. When your child is older and more responsible, you can revisit the home safety discussion and explain how to safely ride in the elevator alone. Discourage your child from playing games such as Hide and Seek or Tag inside the elevator.

  1. Take measurements.

At Mobility123, we recommend measuring the gap between the back of the landing door at the entrance gate. Generally speaking, elevator code allows for a maximum of five inches, but many children, especially tiny ones, have the potential to get hurt by going over that gap. If necessary, you can have a space gap installed which will eliminate the opening between the gate and the door.

  1. Install an emergency phone.

One more way to ensure that your children remain safe inside your home is to install an emergency phone. In the event that someone gets stuck inside the elevator, you can act quickly and prevent a serious injury. Check the phone periodically to ensure that it can always dial out, as well.

For more home elevator safety tips, contact us at 800-603-0830.

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