Why Is My Bruno Elan Stairlift Beeping?
There are only a handful of things that will cause your Bruno Elan Stairlift to beep when not in use. This handy guide will walk you through troubleshooting the lift to ensure that the batteries are charging properly.
Please note that this guide is specific to the Bruno Elan SRE-3000 Stairlift. If you have a different model lift, many of the solutions in this guide can probably be applied to your stairlift as well.
First, check the charger that is plugged into the wall. If it looks like it is plugged into the wall, check the LED on the charger itself. Look for the following color indicators…
RED: AC On (charger is getting power)
YELLOW: Batteries are charging
GREEN: Batteries are fully charged
FLASHING: Fault, service require

If you do not see a lit LED on the charger, make sure the power is plugged into the wall. Also make sure that the 3-prong plug that goes from the wall to the charger itself is tight and secure.

If you checked both connections and there is no LED lit, make sure the power is turned on. The unit will NOT beep if the power button is in the off position. (If you hear beeping, the unit is on)

If you see a red light and the unit is beeping, this means that the charger has power, but the batteries are not charging. If this is the case, check the red/black connectors that go from the charger to the back of the rail. This connection may be at the top or bottom of the staircase, depending on where the power outlet is located.
Occasionally these wires can work themselves loose over time, or they simply get disconnected when vacuuming or cleaning the rail.

Tried everything in this guide and the lift is still beeping and/or not charging properly? It’s time to call you Bruno dealer to schedule a service call.